
Quicklime is one of the most fundamental materials in human life from before up to nowadays in modern life. Quicklime is Calcium Oxide with the CaO molecular formula, which is commonly known as Lime.
Calcination is a term in material science and chemistry that will remove the moisture and volatile substances by applying indirect heating in the solid reaction. It means the whole process is done in the solid phase, and we have no change in the nature of the commodity. In other words, we just sinter the stuff in kilns. Therefore, Calcination is sometimes considered a process of purification.
It heated up to a specified temperature in a determined time.

As you see, in this process, Carbon Dioxide is released from the Limestone composition.
Because of the Calcination process, heating the Limestone (Calcium Carbonate) to a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius in kilns, it is named Burnt Lime. On the other hand, Quicklime has high reactivity with Co2, H2O and even moisture in the air. So due to this reason, Quicklime is called Active Lime too.




Quicklime has a wide range of uses, including in the production of iron and steel, paper and pulp production, treatment of water and flue gases and in the mining industry.

  1. Steel of iron and steel and metal industries
  2. Petrochemical industry
  3. Glass industry
  4. Painting industries
  5. Consumption in refractory products



Aron Carbon FarAvar Company is proud to provide its quicklime product as an important raw material needed for the production of the country to various reputable factories and industries and has caused a better turn in the wheel of the country’s economy.

Thanks to the trust and loyalty of customers, this group has focused its maximum efforts on providing a quality product with a high degree of purity in order to play an effective role by reducing the production costs of downstream industries and businesses.

Aron Carbon FarAvar Company is currently under development and quicklime products can be offered with the following granulation and chemical composition:




  • lump quicklime: 30-70 mm
  • Granulated quicklime: <30 mm



  • In Big bags
  • In bulk